Final Result declared of Combined Medical Services Examination, 2020
Final Result declared of Combined Medical Services Examination, 2020
Based on the result of the Computer Based Examination (Part – I) of the Combined Medical Services Examination, 2020held by the UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION on 22nd October, 2020 followed by Personality Test (Part – II) held from January toMarch, 2021, the following lists of the candidates who have been recommended for appointmentto the services/posts under two categories are appended :
Junior Scale Posts in Central Health Service;
(i)Assistant Divisional Medical Officer in the Railways;
(ii) Assistant Medical Officer inIndian Ordnance Factories Health Service;
(iii) General Duty Medical Officer in New Delhi Municipal Council and
(iv) General Duty Medical Officer Gr-II in East Delhi Municipal Corporation, North Delhi Municipal Corporation and South Delhi Municipal Corporation.
The number of vacancies reported by the Government to be filled are asunder:
Category-I :
GENERAL | OBC | SC | ST | EWS | Total* |
73 | 91 | - | - | 18 | 182 |
* Including 02PwBD-I, 02 PwBD-2, 02 PwBD-3 &02 PwBD-4&5 vacancies
Category – II:
GENERAL | OBC | SC | ST | EWS | Total* |
154 | 134 | 25 | 27 | 38 | 378 |
* Including 14PwBD-Ivacancies
A total of 179 candidates have been recommended for appointment in Category-I as under:
Category | Number of candidates recommended |
General | 48 candidates (including 02PwBD candidates) |
Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) | 19 candidates |
Other Backward Classes (OBC) | 107 candidates (including 3PwBD candidates) |
Scheduled Castes (SC) | 04 candidates
Scheduled Tribes (ST) | 01 candidates |
TOTAL | 179 candidates (including 05PwBD candidates) |
* Since 03 vacancies pertaining to PwBD [ 01-PwBD-3 and 02- PwBD- 4 & 5] could not be filled due to non availability of candidates, 03 vacanciesof General category have been blocked and carried forward to next year in terms of DOPT`s OM 36035/2/2017-Estt.(Res) dated 15.01.2018.
A total of 343 candidates have been recommended for appointment in Category-IIas under:
Category | Number of candidates recommended |
General | 119candidates (including 05PwBD candidates) |
Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) | 38 candidates (including 02PwBD candidates) |
Other Backward Classes (OBC) | 134 candidates (including 05PwBD candidates) |
Scheduled Castes (SC) | 25 candidates (including 02PwBD candidates) |
Scheduled Tribes (ST) | 27 candidates |
TOTAL | 343 candidates (including 14PwBD candidates) |
For category-II, the Commission has maintained a consolidated Reserve List of candidates in accordance with Rules 13 (4) and (5) of the Combined Medical Services Examination, 2020 as under:
35 | 27 | 05 | 01 | 02 | 70 |
Appointments to the abovesaid services/posts will be made according to the number ofvacancies available and subject to the candidates fulfilling all the prescribed eligibilityconditions and all pre-appointment formalities/ verifications, wherever due, being completed satisfactorily. Allotmentof candidates to the services/posts shall be made according to ranks obtained andpreference of services/posts expressed by them.
The service allocation of the recommended candidate bearing Roll No. 5000125 under Category-I may undergo change while operating Reserve List for Category-II as his effective order of preference depends on recommendation of candidate(s) from reserve list for Category-II, if any.
The candidature of 228 recommended candidates with following Roll Nos. areprovisional:
0100073 | 0100096 | 0100515 | 0200016 | 0200280 | 0300319 | 0300378 | 0300454 | 0300525 |
0300561 | 0301004 | 0301061 | 0301112 | 0301168 | 0301263 | 0400076 | 0400478 | 0400490 |
0400545 | 0400755 | 0401236 | 0500308 | 0500401 | 0500590 | 0500851 | 0600377 | 0600531 |
0600811 | 0601499 | 0700368 | 0800123 | 0800617 | 0801072 | 0801288 | 0801405 | 0801473 |
0801626 | 0801908 | 0802105 | 0802306 | 0802529 | 0802634 | 0803584 | 0803721 | 0804505 |
0804608 | 0804893 | 0805042 | 0805331 | 0805715 | 0805865 | 0805996 | 0806038 | 0806213 |
0806312 | 0806329 | 0806599 | 0806953 | 0807186 | 0807399 | 0808185 | 0808304 | 0808311 |
0808375 | 0809577 | 0809612 | 0809661 | 1000151 | 1000279 | 1000514 | 1000553 | 1000560 |
1000594 | 1000714 | 1000993 | 1001232 | 1001257 | 1001288 | 1001509 | 1001553 | 1001924 |
1002150 | 1002347 | 1002525 | 1002534 | 1002758 | 1002955 | 1003026 | 1003036 | 1003131 |
1003514 | 1003856 | 1100530 | 1100548 | 1100630 | 1100688 | 1100721 | 1100797 | 1100900 |
1101013 | 1101084 | 1101207 | 1101223 | 1101434 | 1101438 | 1101517 | 1200126 | 1200318 |
1200500 | 1200610 | 1200633 | 1200868 | 1200882 | 1201053 | 1201291 | 1201386 | 1201465 |
1201618 | 1201737 | 1201892 | 1201902 | 1202294 | 1202321 | 1202461 | 1202476 | 1202484 |
1202596 | 1202623 | 1202704 | 1202710 | 1203047 | 1203171 | 1203172 | 1203528 | 1203589 |
1203669 | 1203818 | 1300155 | 1300593 | 1300705 | 1300903 | 1300905 | 1400040 | 1400051 |
1400198 | 1400201 | 1400212 | 1500182 | 1500247 | 1500331 | 1500373 | 1500441 | 1500445 |
1500780 | 1500866 | 1500904 | 1501024 | 1501045 | 1900049 | 1900452 | 1900553 | 1900751 |
1900890 | 1900987 | 1901466 | 1901681 | 1901979 | 2400035 | 2400185 | 2400266 | 2400425 |
2400541 | 2400747 | 2400867 | 2401243 | 2401278 | 2401383 | 2401608 | 2401777 | 2402015 |
2600078 | 2600098 | 2600104 | 2600450 | 2600492 | 2600806 | 2600930 | 2601135 | 2601147 |
2601248 | 2601550 | 2601825 | 3400153 | 3500661 | 3501016 | 3900035 | 3900135 | 3900139 |
4000032 | 4000074 | 4000150 | 4000386 | 4000436 | 4000477 | 4000487 | 4100031 | 4900170 |
4900440 | 5000125 | 5000176 | 5000237 | 5000238 | 5000414 | 5000752 | 5000764 | 5000780 |
5000893 | 5100388 | 5100399 | 5100663 | 5100679 | 5101072 | 5200247 | 5200254 | 5200349 |
5400066 | 5400155 | 5400189 |
The offer of appointment to the above listed provisional candidates will not be issued till theCommission verifies the original documents awaited from such candidates. Theprovisionality of these candidates will remain valid only for a period of six months fromthe date of declaration of Final result. In case the provisional candidate fails to submit the requisitedocuments in original as required by the Commission within this period, his candidature will be cancelled and no further correspondence would be entertained inthis regard.
Union Public Service Commission has a ‘Facilitation Counter’ near ExaminationHall Building in its Campus. Candidates may obtain any information/clarificationrelating to this Examination on working days between 10:00 A.M. and 05:00 P.M. inperson or over Telephone Nos. 011-23385271 and 011-23381125 from this Counter. Theresult will also be available on Website of the Commission [i.e.]. Themark sheet is expected to be available on the website within fifteendays from the date of publication of result.
Click here for full list Category- I
Click here for full list Category- II
Junior Scale Posts in Central Health Service;
(i)Assistant Divisional Medical Officer in the Railways;
(ii) Assistant Medical Officer inIndian Ordnance Factories Health Service;
(iii) General Duty Medical Officer in New Delhi Municipal Council and
(iv) General Duty Medical Officer Gr-II in East Delhi Municipal Corporation, North Delhi Municipal Corporation and South Delhi Municipal Corporation.
The number of vacancies reported by the Government to be filled are asunder:
Category-I :
GENERAL | OBC | SC | ST | EWS | Total* |
73 | 91 | - | - | 18 | 182 |
* Including 02PwBD-I, 02 PwBD-2, 02 PwBD-3 &02 PwBD-4&5 vacancies
Category – II:
GENERAL | OBC | SC | ST | EWS | Total* |
154 | 134 | 25 | 27 | 38 | 378 |
* Including 14PwBD-Ivacancies
A total of 179 candidates have been recommended for appointment in Category-I as under:
Category | Number of candidates recommended |
General | 48 candidates (including 02PwBD candidates) |
Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) | 19 candidates |
Other Backward Classes (OBC) | 107 candidates (including 3PwBD candidates) |
Scheduled Castes (SC) | 04 candidates
Scheduled Tribes (ST) | 01 candidates |
TOTAL | 179 candidates (including 05PwBD candidates) |
* Since 03 vacancies pertaining to PwBD [ 01-PwBD-3 and 02- PwBD- 4 & 5] could not be filled due to non availability of candidates, 03 vacanciesof General category have been blocked and carried forward to next year in terms of DOPT`s OM 36035/2/2017-Estt.(Res) dated 15.01.2018.
A total of 343 candidates have been recommended for appointment in Category-IIas under:
Category | Number of candidates recommended |
General | 119candidates (including 05PwBD candidates) |
Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) | 38 candidates (including 02PwBD candidates) |
Other Backward Classes (OBC) | 134 candidates (including 05PwBD candidates) |
Scheduled Castes (SC) | 25 candidates (including 02PwBD candidates) |
Scheduled Tribes (ST) | 27 candidates |
TOTAL | 343 candidates (including 14PwBD candidates) |
For category-II, the Commission has maintained a consolidated Reserve List of candidates in accordance with Rules 13 (4) and (5) of the Combined Medical Services Examination, 2020 as under:
35 | 27 | 05 | 01 | 02 | 70 |
Appointments to the abovesaid services/posts will be made according to the number ofvacancies available and subject to the candidates fulfilling all the prescribed eligibilityconditions and all pre-appointment formalities/ verifications, wherever due, being completed satisfactorily. Allotmentof candidates to the services/posts shall be made according to ranks obtained andpreference of services/posts expressed by them.
The service allocation of the recommended candidate bearing Roll No. 5000125 under Category-I may undergo change while operating Reserve List for Category-II as his effective order of preference depends on recommendation of candidate(s) from reserve list for Category-II, if any.
The candidature of 228 recommended candidates with following Roll Nos. areprovisional:
0100073 | 0100096 | 0100515 | 0200016 | 0200280 | 0300319 | 0300378 | 0300454 | 0300525 |
0300561 | 0301004 | 0301061 | 0301112 | 0301168 | 0301263 | 0400076 | 0400478 | 0400490 |
0400545 | 0400755 | 0401236 | 0500308 | 0500401 | 0500590 | 0500851 | 0600377 | 0600531 |
0600811 | 0601499 | 0700368 | 0800123 | 0800617 | 0801072 | 0801288 | 0801405 | 0801473 |
0801626 | 0801908 | 0802105 | 0802306 | 0802529 | 0802634 | 0803584 | 0803721 | 0804505 |
0804608 | 0804893 | 0805042 | 0805331 | 0805715 | 0805865 | 0805996 | 0806038 | 0806213 |
0806312 | 0806329 | 0806599 | 0806953 | 0807186 | 0807399 | 0808185 | 0808304 | 0808311 |
0808375 | 0809577 | 0809612 | 0809661 | 1000151 | 1000279 | 1000514 | 1000553 | 1000560 |
1000594 | 1000714 | 1000993 | 1001232 | 1001257 | 1001288 | 1001509 | 1001553 | 1001924 |
1002150 | 1002347 | 1002525 | 1002534 | 1002758 | 1002955 | 1003026 | 1003036 | 1003131 |
1003514 | 1003856 | 1100530 | 1100548 | 1100630 | 1100688 | 1100721 | 1100797 | 1100900 |
1101013 | 1101084 | 1101207 | 1101223 | 1101434 | 1101438 | 1101517 | 1200126 | 1200318 |
1200500 | 1200610 | 1200633 | 1200868 | 1200882 | 1201053 | 1201291 | 1201386 | 1201465 |
1201618 | 1201737 | 1201892 | 1201902 | 1202294 | 1202321 | 1202461 | 1202476 | 1202484 |
1202596 | 1202623 | 1202704 | 1202710 | 1203047 | 1203171 | 1203172 | 1203528 | 1203589 |
1203669 | 1203818 | 1300155 | 1300593 | 1300705 | 1300903 | 1300905 | 1400040 | 1400051 |
1400198 | 1400201 | 1400212 | 1500182 | 1500247 | 1500331 | 1500373 | 1500441 | 1500445 |
1500780 | 1500866 | 1500904 | 1501024 | 1501045 | 1900049 | 1900452 | 1900553 | 1900751 |
1900890 | 1900987 | 1901466 | 1901681 | 1901979 | 2400035 | 2400185 | 2400266 | 2400425 |
2400541 | 2400747 | 2400867 | 2401243 | 2401278 | 2401383 | 2401608 | 2401777 | 2402015 |
2600078 | 2600098 | 2600104 | 2600450 | 2600492 | 2600806 | 2600930 | 2601135 | 2601147 |
2601248 | 2601550 | 2601825 | 3400153 | 3500661 | 3501016 | 3900035 | 3900135 | 3900139 |
4000032 | 4000074 | 4000150 | 4000386 | 4000436 | 4000477 | 4000487 | 4100031 | 4900170 |
4900440 | 5000125 | 5000176 | 5000237 | 5000238 | 5000414 | 5000752 | 5000764 | 5000780 |
5000893 | 5100388 | 5100399 | 5100663 | 5100679 | 5101072 | 5200247 | 5200254 | 5200349 |
5400066 | 5400155 | 5400189 |
The offer of appointment to the above listed provisional candidates will not be issued till theCommission verifies the original documents awaited from such candidates. Theprovisionality of these candidates will remain valid only for a period of six months fromthe date of declaration of Final result. In case the provisional candidate fails to submit the requisitedocuments in original as required by the Commission within this period, his candidature will be cancelled and no further correspondence would be entertained inthis regard.
Union Public Service Commission has a ‘Facilitation Counter’ near ExaminationHall Building in its Campus. Candidates may obtain any information/clarificationrelating to this Examination on working days between 10:00 A.M. and 05:00 P.M. inperson or over Telephone Nos. 011-23385271 and 011-23381125 from this Counter. Theresult will also be available on Website of the Commission [i.e.]. Themark sheet is expected to be available on the website within fifteendays from the date of publication of result.
Click here for full list Category- I
Click here for full list Category- II
Source: Posted On: 30 MAR 2021 4:13PM by PIB Delhi
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