

India Corona Virus Update as on 04.04.2021 08:00 AM


In this post we will see the latest coronavirus update in India - Confirmed cases, Recovered, Active cases & Deaths.

Confirmed cases

In India total confirmed cases as on 04.04.2021, 08:00 AM - 1,24,85,509.


Total recovered cases as on 04.04.2021, 08:00 AM - 1,16,29,289 (93.14%)

Active cases

Total Active Case as on 04.04.2021, 08:00 AM 6,91,597 (5.54%)


The total number of deaths as on 04.04.2021, 08:00 AM 1,64,623 (1.32%)

As per the latest tweet of #IndiaFightsCorona [@COVIDNewsByMIB]

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